Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dress Re-Purpose

Do you ever look at something you purchased in the past and think "What was I thinking?" This happens to me every now and then but since I have started blog stalking I have kept some of these items in hopes that I will find another use for them.  In my Pinterest obsession I have seen several tutorials for skirts like this or this. Then I remembered that while I was cleaning out my closet before we moved to Texas I set aside a purple jersey dress that I purchased several years ago.  I thought to myself "Why have a kept this?" and then remembered that I met my husband wearing the dress so I wasn't ready to get rid of it.  Anyway, this dress was perfect for a re purpose!

So let's not judge here...I like the color and it was super comfy. The neckline was cute and it tied in the back. But what in the world is going on with the gems in the middle?  So here is what I did. I cut off the top and cut off the gems.

Then I decided to cut off the layer of fabric that the gems were attached to because it was the texture of  a ribbon..  I turned the band that was left into the skirt and then I sewed it down. Now since I have never sewn jersey material before and I was having to turn the skirt the finished band is a bit ruched by accident.  However, once you have on a shirt with the skirt you really can't tell.

So here is my final skirt and my toes. I swore they were not in the picture when I took it.  The skirt goes to my knees and that is perfect for me because this is a lounging skirt so longer is good for couch sitting.  I am wearing it down with a white tank top.

I kept the ties from the back of the dress, the sleeves and yes even those gems. I will find something to do with them!

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